Security & Property Clearance Services

We can recommend and provide a wide range of security measures to protect your land or property from trespassers, squatters and damage.

Security services

We offer a range of services to meet many different requirements, including:

  • Security personnel, including security guards, dog teams, guardians and caretakers
  • Steel shuttering, boarding, bollards and fencing
  • CCTV, alarms & mobile patrols
  • Cleaning and waste removal
  • Locksmiths and specialist access teams

Security personnel

We can supply security guards for a wide range of tasks and timeframes, with the option to scale the size of the team should the risk level change.

Security screens, doors, fencing, alarms and CCTV

We will carry out a security assessment and report our recommendations, as well as organising installation as required.

Waste removal and cleaning

Waste removal and cleanup after taking possession of land or property can be time consuming and potentially dangerous.

Our rapid response agents and contractors have the expertise to deal with hazardous substances. Specialising in sanitising even the most squalid of properties, waste will be removed and disposed of in the most environmentally friendly way.

Need help? Let’s talk.

You can speak to us by telephone on 0161 925 1800, by email at or fill in our contact form here

Contact Us

Contact us

No matter how small or large the scale of the operation, we can help. Please download and complete our instruction form via or contact us for more information.
