Help & Guidance for Claimants

Taking the first steps to recovering what you are owed can seem daunting, but our experienced team are on hand to guide you through the enforcement process and answer any questions you may have along the way.

Case Types

Our extensive experience means that we have great success in recovering outstanding debts and reclaiming property and goods for clients. We treat each case on an individual basis and with the utmost discretion whilst working to reach an effective resolution. The information below is given as general guidance – please contact us to discuss your individual circumstances.
Debt Recovery via Writ of Control

We can assist you in recovering the money you are owed quickly and efficiently.

By instructing Wilson & Roe to transfer your County Court Judgment to the High Court, we can secure a Writ of Control and begin enforcement action.

Once a Writ has been issued by Court, we are required to issue a Notice of Enforcement to the debtor and give them 7 clear days to make payment, before making an attendance.

For more information and answers to frequently asked questions, take a look at our FAQ page.

Asset Recovery through a Writ of Delivery

If you have been granted a Court Order to reclaim specific goods or assets, you can instruct us to transfer it to the High Court and obtain a Writ of Delivery.

Our enforcement agents will be able to act swiftly to locate the goods and return them to you, and we do not need to issue a Notice of Enforcement.

Where there is money to be collected in addition to recovering goods, the Writ of Delivery may be combined with a Writ of Control to enable us to recover both for you. This does require a Notice of Enforcement to be issued.

Tenant Evictions and Mortgage Repossessions through a Writ of Possession

When it comes to reclaiming your property, evictions carried out by High Court enforcement agents can be much faster than County Court bailiffs.

By instructing us with transferring your County Court order to the High Court, we can help you secure a Writ of Possession which enables our enforcement agents to act quickly.

We must serve a notice and allow a period of two weeks before evicting named individuals, i.e. tenants or mortgagors. No notice is required in the eviction of squatters or trespassers.

A Writ of Possession can be combined with a Writ of Control in cases where money is also to be collected.

Repeat Evictions with a Writ of Restitution

In the event that individuals who have been evicted later return and break back into the property, we are able to remove them once again.

This does involve going back to court and requires a Writ of Restitution to allow us to re-evict the same individuals under the original Writ of Possession.

Removing Trespassers Under Common Law

We can be instructed to evict unauthorised and unwanted trespassers – including abandoned horses and livestock – from land under common law, which means a High Court Writ is not always needed.

In situations where a Writ of Possession is needed to ensure safe eviction, please be assured that we are equipped to deal with all numbers and types of individuals.

Commercial Rent Arrears Recovery (CRAR)

We can assist in collecting money owed to you in cases where tenants have failed to meet rent payments on a commercial property, and this can be done without the need to attend court.

On these cases, we are required to issue a Notice of Enforcement and give the debtor 7 clear days before an attendance can be made.

Commercial Lease Forfeiture

Where there is no prospect of rent recovery, or the tenant has breached the commercial property lease or agreement in another way, our enforcement agents can evict tenants from the premises.

By instructing us, you will be ensuring that your property is returned in a quick and safe manner. Working alongside our team of industry professionals, we can provide locksmiths and method of entry engineers to ensure that the job is completed correctly.

Pre-Legal and Pre-Enforcement Action

Before a Writ has been obtained from the High Court, we are able to attend a property and request that the individual makes contact with our client. We can also serve paperwork and carry out a reconnaissance of an area.

Need help? Let’s talk.

If your question isn’t answered or you’d like further information, please contact the team.

You can speak to us by telephone on 0161 925 1800, by email at or fill in our contact form here