Compulsory Purchase & Development Consent Orders
To assist regeneration and infrastructure projects moving forward, Wilson & Roe enforces Compulsory Purchase Orders and Development Consent Orders throughout England and Wales.
Development Consent Orders (DCOs)
To carry out significant redevelopment, energy, transport, water or waste projects, local authorities and utility companies must be granted permission by the Secretary of State. This form of permission is known as a Development Consent Order (DCO).
Compulsory Purchase Orders (CPOs)
A Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) allows a public authority to take ownership of land, houses or other buildings that stand in the way of development work and is often acquired alongside a DCO.
Owners of land or properties purchased under a CPO are awarded compensation that covers the value of the property, the cost of a new property and associated costs for relocation.
How we can help
A Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) allows a public authority to take ownership of land, houses or other buildings that stand in the way of development work and is often acquired alongside a DCO.
Owners of land or properties purchased under a CPO are awarded compensation that covers the value of the property, the cost of a new property and associated costs for relocation.
Post-enforcement services
Once eviction has taken place, we can also provide a range of post-enforcement services including security recommendations to prevent re-entry.
Please contact us for more information or download and complete our instruction form here.
Need help? Let’s talk.
You can speak to us by telephone on 0161 925 1800, by email at wr@wilsonandroe.com or fill in our contact form here
Instruct Us
Please complete the instruction form via the link below or contact us for more information.